January 30, 2012

Rei - Misato’s Whore

“Okay, looks like she just finished with another customer.  So, $10 and she’s all yours for the hour.  Yeah, it’s pretty cheap.  That’s ‘cause this pale, scrawny bitch is more like a masturbation toy fuck doll than a human.  You won’t get much response out of her, she’ll just sit there silently with her legs spread, letting you cum in her ass or pussy.  Just thrust into her and shoot your load inside her.  Don’t mind her blank expression as she stares down at her own cunt being penetrated.  Seriously, this whore has been fucked daily for a week now and she still acts like it’s something she’s never seen before.  Yeah, no need for a condom if you want to feel her pussy bare.  Not that it matters really, a friend of mine fixed her, the bitch can’t even get pregnant.  Make sure to ejaculate inside her though, doesn’t matter which hole.  I’m just sick of having to clean up sperm from her body between customers.  Anyways, you want her or not, I need my booze money.”


  1. Good to see you back! Hope Asuka will be put to good use again soon as well. ;)

  2. And there are always many Reis in tank, when this one won't be able to work anymore.

    1. Indeed, always more fresh pussy available for whoring.
